Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"In your head, in your head, they are fighting."

And I knew that song was about the troubles in Ireland just by hearing the date "nineteen-sixteen." And I felt rather intelligent.

I slept probably all too late this morning... even though I'd set my alarm for 7. It's just so annoying with the BEEP BEEP BEEP that I turn it off right away before I'm fully awake. Then I wake up an hour later. Ugh.

I felt ok yesterday but this morning my throat hurts again... blah. More lemon tea for me.

Speaking of yesterday. I don't know what I did, but as I was running to the gym for kickboxing, I was suddenly like, "ouch.." and the back of my leg has been killing me ever since. Needless to say, kickboxing was murder. I'm not sure at all what I'm gonna do tomorrow... it HURTS!

Soo, I've been trying to get out of doing speech, but the first night is tomorrow night so I'm not sure I'll have luck. I just don't know what I want to do for speech, not to mention the fact that I didn't like it all that much last year... AND I can't do a duo, because, well, complications...

Well, today will be a day of grueling longness... so much to do on Wednesday's. At least I can stay home all day though, that's a plus. It's tomorrow that'll be physical murder...

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