Monday, September 8, 2008

If I ever leave this world alive...

Meanwhile, a mere few hours later...

I think I'm going slightly mad. And I think math pushed it. I did it surprisingly fast, but now as mom fills the house with weird smells for a creative writing project, and my cat continues her idiotic existence, and Kate occasionally yells things like, "I can't! Nooo, I'm always right!" when no one is even in the room with her, I notice I have a headache. Perhaps some coffee.

Yes, that did the trick.

I can't really explain why I'm so aggravated that Kate didn't like my story. It's picking at me slowly, getting more and more obnoxious. I can get along with telling myself we just have different opinions. What drives me crazy is her continual, relentless belief that "sooner or later I'll see she's right."

OOH, another annoyance about this story. I was complaining to Mom about it, who I haven't let read it because... well, I don't really know why. First of all, if she reads it, so will Dad, and I don't know that he'd like it. I think Mom'll either hate it or love it, and I can't take another person hating it; while if she loves it, she'll want to share it with everybody. And I think I'll always be touchy about who sees my writings. At least, until I get published. ;)

Anyway. So I'm talking to Mom about it, and she says, "Well the first page was really good --" Erm, what? First page?? I hadn't let her see it. So she tries to cover up: "You left it up on the computer and I just looked at the first page." Heh. I've never left things up on the computer screen for this very reason.

The only reason I'm not reallllly all that mad about it was because Mom's never done stuff like this before. I guess I somewhat brought it upon myself by not letting her see it yet. But still... I didn't like that, no sir.

Eeee. New subject. I just realized that most of the time when I write I'm either depressed or agitated about something. Sorry about that...

Whenever I listen to Irish music I get this amazing feeling that makes me want to run along hilltops and sing along. Sort of the reaction Mom gets when we watch "sound of music." This feeling gets kind of annoying after a while, because for now, I can't. So I comfort myself with thinking of the year I'll spend in Ireland after college.... *sigh*

Well it's not a given that I'll go, but by golly, I'm gonna do everything I can to give it a shot. All my life I've had various ideas about what I want. This idea about Ireland suddenly makes it all within reach. It's the first time I've been so sure about something this close. If you call 6 years "close"...

These past two days it's been gray and gloomy. Finally. Is that weird that I like this weather better than sunshine? Mom says it's the Irish in me. ;) Maybe one of these days it'll rain. It's always nice when it rains in the autumn...

Silly me. I got on here so I could post short stories and such... now I'm doing what normal people do and journaling. Well, it's a start...

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