I just talked to Jon on the phone for like 45 minutes and it pretty much made my day. He sounds surprisingly happy at Biola. Which is great... just as long as he remembers us poor folks back home.
I've discovered a lot of songs by the Hush Sound I'd never heard before. Break the Sky, Love you Much Better, That's Ok... a few more that I can't think of.... all great songs. The main girl singer sounds like she'd be an interesting person to meet.
Anyways.... Jon finally read my story, and he was totally honest, which made me happy. But at the same time, it's always a tad hard to hear critiques... ahhh I need to get over that. I think the main thing he said about it was that I have too many influences that I follow too closely. I was afraid of that. Katrina said that as well and I thought I'd fixed it up enough... not so. But, Jon did say that he thought the poem (The Hollow Men) worked well with the story, which makes me super happy. Because that's exactly what Kate said didn't work. And the story and the poem are so intertwined that if the poem didn't work, the story wouldn't work. Kate hated it, Katrina loved it, so Jon was the deciding factor. And he had the same thoughts as I did. Huzzah!
Other little things like dialogue can be fixed. But if he'd said something against the poem dealio, I prolly would've just dropped the story altogether.
Soo, I'm gonna give the Hollow Men a break and come back to it in a few weeks, once I've cleared my head about it. I've reread it so many times I can't tell one thing from another.
Talking to Jon just made me so happy.... most of the time I'm too busy to feel sad about him being gone, but (especially on weekends) when I've got nothing better to do, I just sit and mope about how lonely I feel... which is entirely unenjoyable.
All I can think about today is Ireland. It's like I've got this disease and the only way to cure it is to actually GO to Ireland. Either that, or just find another place to be infatuated with. But I've got the feeling that this Ireland-kick won't go for a looooong time. Or at least, until I actually go there. I'm just so afraid it'll never happen......
But look at this. Doesn't it look like heaven?

These are both in Northern Ireland, I think. The area I want to go (County Wicklow, where my family is from) is in the Republic, right below Dublin. Like, right below. (I think they said 16 km?) There are great pictures of Wicklow too, but these were particularly stunning to me...
Eeee. Well. Darnit, I want to WRITE, but I can't think of anything new to write about. This is problematic. And I have a toothache. Sigh....
Well, that's it for now. Until later, stinking billy goat thou.
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