Being a procrastinator really takes it out of you. I've got soooo much vc homework, group solutions homework (which is pretty gay since it hasn't even STARTED yet...) and piano lessons are in like an hour... I've got at least a million and one things that I should and could be doing. But nope. I've been writing all day. Well, if I flunk school, at least I'll have a good case of carpel tunnel to keep me busy.
Around mid-August I wrote a 49 page story in about a week and a half, and I've been repairing it ever since. I let Kate read it and she pretty much unknowingly tore it down... but then, Kate and I have very different opinions on things when music, art, and literature are concerned. Well, not so much art. But at least definitely music and literature. So I sent it off to Katrina. Jon, too, but he didn't write back. Anyway, Katrina gave good advice and I've spent all morning fixing the blasted thing up. Hopefully it'll be worth the effort.
I am slightly proud of myself though, in any case. Normally when people give me critiques - no matter how nicely put or how true it may be - I have a really hard time accepting that it's not perfect. I felt that way for a few seconds yesterday but I buckled down and made myself look at it from another angle. I think it worked.
Monday's always depress me, because I know there's a whole other five days to get through before the blessed weekend. That, and I know school is the next day. It seems especially hard to go back after weekends.
Alright. No more putting it off. I should go do math, then history... hah, as if I could do those both in an hour. Well... maybe just history then. Math and biology when I get back. I have a feeling this will be a late one. Day, that is. Or night. Both? Well. Studying at my desk with coffee and music in the wee hours actually sounds refreshing. Yup, I'm in one of those moods again....
P.s. Why is it that whenever I'm writing in here, the song "she's electric" comes on my playlist? I think it's a sign. But I've got far more cousins than just a dozen...
"She is electric, can I be electric, too?"
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