Thursday, September 18, 2008

"And so it is..."

...Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her skies

I miss Damien Rice. Which is precisely why I'm listening to him right now.

Gah the back of my legs are sore. More boot camp in kickboxing today. It was a loong day, and I'm not sure if it was good or bad. I personally felt better. But Amelia's having a rough time with something, and when she's sad I'm sad... and I've never been good at giving advice to people. Especially when I could use some of it myself. Let's just say same lame situation, same reactions, just on slightly different levels. I was mad until I got over it. Now I'm mad because I don't like Amelia being upset...

Jon wrote me today. It was only like one line but it was nice... I miss the moron.

Groups starts tomorrow. And for many many reasons, I am NOT looking forward to it. For one thing, there have been too many... let's say "back stories", over the summer. So I'm not real excited on that front.... and also, the scholastics front... like I'm not already overwhelmed enough with life and vc and other stuff... now we through GS into the mix as well. Woohoo...

And I have a biology test to do tonight before class tomorrow. Well, there's a pot of coffee brewing... which is somewhat cheering.

Ugh... I just.... I mean I'm feeling oddly strong emotionally today, which is good. But it doesn't do me much good when the people closest to me are so miserable. I don't want that. And tomorrow it won't improve matters.

This weekend will be crazy. So tomorrow's Groups, then Jon comes home, and an elderly couple my family knows is coming to stay at our house because they're in town and need a place to stay... and then on Saturday I got volunteered to help serve food at a funeral... which I'm cool with... but I have the feeling I'll be realllly depressed... the man who died was a really important guy to the homeschool community and he died in the train crash last week. All week it's been in the back of my mind; he had three kids. I just can't imagine how it would feel to lose my dad. And it's all just so heavy... I mean what can you say to somebody in that situation? I don't know the family well but still... it's just so hard to imagine what they're going through.

And it's a bummer that it's all this weekend, because all I really want to do is hang out with Amelia. I think it'd do us both some good.

Well.... coffee's done. Hair needs drying... because I just got out of the shower. Well not just, I mean I've been on here for a while... pf. Never mind.

There's a biology test with my name on it. Ta.

"Stones taught me to fly, love taught me to cry. So come on courage, teach me to be shy. Cause it's not hard to fall, and I don't want to scare her; it's not hard to fall, and I don't want to lose her. It's not hard to grow, when you know that you just don't know."

Like an hour later...

So just as I was sitting down for my test, Mom brought me a file of Gramma's family history stuff that she looked up a few years back to find out whether we were Daughters of the American Revolution or some foundation like that.... turned out we WERE daughters of a revolution, just in a different country. But we knew that. Anyway, so I spent the last twenty minutes or so looking through these files and photos... there are photos from the 1800's! I also found out that while GrandDad's family was from Wicklow (a very very southern part of the Republic), Gramma's family was from Northern Ireland. Which is kind of funny. I asked Mom if she thought they knew about that, because they prolly wouldn't have married if they did... haha... but she said, get this, Gramma never even knew she was Irish until a few years ago. She thought she was Brittish! GrandDad always mocked her for being a Brit, and here she is, being more Irish than he ever was. Some sort of Irony, I think. Poor GrandDad... Mom says he's rolling in his grave.

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