You and me both, Joe Purdy. Especially with that name. Yikes.
Urg. I'm so tired of everyone and everything today... no names or particular instances, of course, because this isn't a private website and who knows who might read this... hah, that's all I need... an internet scandal. The cherry on top.
Come to think of it, that kind of annoys me; people reading this. Then why do I write it? I think for me, mostly. I was never much good at keeping a diary and this is the closest I've gotten. But as for other people? Why read this? Kinda sketch.
Didn't have much homework today believe it or not... I did most of it on Saturday. Actually not, I'm just too tired today. That just means there'll be more for tomorrow though... I have to start bringing biology to vc with me. Woohoo.
Ee. Much ranting and raving on the family front. We don't really make sense to each other anymore. At least, not today. I'm so tired of it... and I'm tired of being the one in the middle. The mediator, as it were... passing information to the other sides and trying to soothe things over, and then what? That's as far as I go. So so tiring. Now Mom and Dad left and Kate's in a huff and I don't even know when they'll be getting back... or even where they went... and Kate won't talk to me. Why the drama? Why is my stomach growling? It's 5:35, that's why. Good lord. That probably means I should eat something....
How does one type a sigh?
And I'm just... blah. I want to talk to Jon. When things were crazy and mental and emotional over here and he was home, I knew I could escape it by just going up to his room. He's don the Bob Dylan voice and say, "well man, at's real lame," and everything would go back to normal. At least in my mind it would. All of hell would be breaking loose downstairs but if I was throwing darts with Jon, it was fine. Why the devil isn't he here????
Rhetorical question, of course. Ugh... and there's not even coffee made....
Laura, old girl, get a grip...
No. Not yet. Today's not finished yet...
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