A few weeks ago I had a Demetri Martin moment. I was watering my cactus (cacti, actually - there are three stalks. Or whatever you call them.)... I was watering it and one wobbled. So I poked it - it poked back, which hurt. Anyway, it came loose! The bottom had been going brown for a while. And I realized, I had killed my cactus. I wasn't even aware that that was possible. "I am less nurturing than a DESERT."
Which is always a depressing realization.
That all aside. Today is monday, I got back from piano lessons a while ago, and now I sit with a pile of homework and a hot mug of coffee. It's cold and gray outside, even though when I woke up it was boiling hot in my room. It's a welcome change. They say it'll rain tonight.
Yesterday (or was it the day before? I think it was Saturday... hm.) Anyway, the other day Kate and I had a disappointment - the letter we sent to Alan Arkin came back! We figured it was the wrong address and after some searching on the internet, I found the right one - I hope... we sent it off to New York, even though he lives in New Mexico... but I guess that's just the way it goes. Hopefully we'll hear back from him in a few months. :) That's what the website promised, anyway. One good thing that came out of it though, I swapped pictures - previously, I had sent him the drawing I did from Wait Until Dark. The one from The Russians is much better though, so I sent that instead.
We shall see what happens of that....
Last night my uncle brought his cat over. As she and Suki didn't quite hit it off well, Boots is now staying in Jon's room. I wonder how she and Jon will hit it off - poor boy doesn't know he'll be sharing a room with a ten year old feline for the week.
Hey, speaking of Jon. Wanna see some pictures? Course you do.

Anyway, that's kind of what I've been up to. Also I've been writing, but not much. Just random things to help me remember that I CAN write. Sometimes. And now I've got to get back to school. All I've done is math today - but that took me over 2 hours. Blah....
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