So I totally love Coconut Records. Or at least, the 3 songs of theirs I've heard. Oasis is always good though. I love.
I'm feeling energetic today. Though a bit befuddled (love that word) about what to say on this here blog. I haven't been writing much and it would take too long to catch up. Maybe short sentences of the past few days? Yes.
Ideas for writing, short stories and long. Trains? Yayfare. Jon doesn't contact - FAGGEL! Halloween was fun, love love LOVE "wait until dark" and Alan Arkin. Screaming every time, all the time scream. Laura was sick, but Amelia and Noah came... my first time trick-or-treating. I dressed as hobo. Hobos fly, as evidenced. While running I tripped and bruised/horrendously cut both knees. Ouch. Walking with limp now, devilish pain. Got grades back in art today - all A/A+'s, one C+. Undeserved, the C+. Ah well. Math canceled, teacher a no-show. Fabtastic. Getting fat off halloween candy. Cursed sidewalks causing pain! Coffee is wonderful. Reading in spare time.. needing to read more psychological thrillers, decided. Saw James' twin today, weird. GS on Friday, ahhhhhhh! Much homework, too. Best get a move on? Nay. Not yet.
Well. That kind of gives you insight as to my mind. I liked that... maybe I'll start writing like that more often. It's much faster than describing my life in every detail.
Gah my knee looks nasty. It's bright red, and it has been for two days now. Freakyyy.
So. Today is Bush's last day as recognized president. Last night I awoke for about two seconds in the middle of the night, and I remember thinking to myself, "I don't want to grow up in a socialist world..." Let the records show, I don't think McCain is a superhero... he's old and he says 'my friends' too much. As Katrina put it, 'next thing you know, he'll be poking you on facebook.' Palin's a woman so she's ok. But really, folks. Obama? I know he'll probably win, and it makes me sad. All the things the Founding Father's based this country on will be discarded as 'unfair'. We'll become socialist and then we'll be just like every other country in this world. On the other hand, if McCain does win, it will be a miserable 4 years, due to the amount of b*tching the less intelligent beings of America will do. We've had enough of that. However, I'd still rather take that than have to pay a guy like Obama any sort of respect.
Then there's the whole Prop 8 issue. (I just have to rant about this while I still feel like it could possibly matter.) If it passes, and homosexual couples are given the same rights as heterosexual couples (no, even
more rights), do you realize how screwed families like mine could become? In my family, we have a pastor, two teachers, a photographer, and... my brother and I, the writers... somehow it could impact us too, I'm sure... but anyway. Dad could be sued or put in prison for preaching against homosexuality. Mom and Beth, as teachers, would be forced to accept what they believe against, and even encourage it as 'normal' behavior among kids. Kate could be sued for refusing to photograph a homosexual wedding. They say it won't hurt anyone, but that's not true. Giving these people rights only takes away ours. It shouldn't be like that but it is.
I'm too young to do anything about all that, and whatwith the Electoral College and stuff, it's not like any Average Joe's vote really reallllly matters. So I comfort myself with this thought:
No matter what happens, or who wins, or what prop passes or fails:
God is in control.
He still will love America (yes, gasp, even California...).
His people will not be swayed.
His Will will still be done.
Well, we'll see what happens tonight, I suppose. In the meantime, I've got to clean out my knee. But please, if anybody happens to be reading this... pray for our country, our leaders and our people. God knows we need prayers...