Monday, October 6, 2008

"Your life feels like the morning after all year long."

I despise doctors. All nosy and ridiculous. I had to go to a new one today - instead of the one who looks like Bill Clinton - and get tested for asthma and anemia. I may have mild cases of both. Somehow this led to the conclusion (HIS conclusion, mind you) that I need to get anti-STD shots. Like a million of them. What those have to do with asthma and anemia is beyond me. I think doctors do these things purposely to annoy.

More piano lessons today... and all my classes tomorrow... and all I've done today is listen to The Weepies, go to the doctors, get a burger and fries at McDonalds, and write about my fantasies of Ireland.

Black olives are terribly addicting.

Shouldn't I be doing something better right now? Probably. But with the knowledge that vc is a full 18 hours away, and GS is a full 11 days away, I am feeling lethargic. Being at home is so nice... and I wish it were raining. I was so happy the other day when it did. That was a lovely day, Saturday... I'm sad I didn't write it down. Harbor walking in the fog and Katrina and Kate and hot chocolate, and then to Amelia's house until 10 at night, during which we walked miles in the rain, played our songs for each other, and watched a terribly stupid movie. Aside from the stupid movie, the day was more or less magical.

"Everybody says you can't, you can't, you can't, don't try. Still everybody says that if they had the chance they'd fly, like we do."

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